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Click2resume.com ' Posted By: Anil Gerg

Recruiters trawling through dozens of job applications are watching out for that special cover letter or resume. They want to find the diamond in the rough, in a manner of speaking. They want to discover the right candidate for a job. It is your responsibility to convince the recruiter that you are the perfect candidate for an opening. The first step toward getting your dream job is often very small. So small that many jobseekers dismiss it as unimportant. Think about it. How many times did you email resumes with misspellings and poor organization of ideas to recruiters? Did they ever call you for an interview? Most probably they overlooked all your achievements and educational background and selected a less experienced candidate with a better written resume. If you are serious about getting the right job, start paying attention to details. Employers are watching your every move, from your social networking profile to your job application. The higher you go up the ranks, the greater becomes the scrutiny. A general rule of thumb - always plug the loopholes in your resume and online profiles.

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